Eusen News Letter n°11
Dear Colleagues,
Time is running, we can already see the first leaves falling, which means the EuSEM conference 2016 will take place soon.
We kindly would like to remind you, that EuSEN will once again represent the European emergency nurses at the conference, with fascinating presentations during the nursing track which will take place on October the 4th (see program). EuSEN’s annual general assembly (GA) will take place
after the nursing track program on the 4th of October from 19:00 till 20:00 in room: Gartensaal. The GA is open to all EuSEN members, so please save
the date and attend the conference to support us. We hope to meet a lot of familiar and new faces at the GA and look forward to an interesting
Hope to see you all in Vienna !!!
Door Lauwaert
President EuSEN
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